Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Im sick....

Was [frustrated],[fragile] and [meaningless]...
What the point of we all study so hard..
get a better job,better income?
mountain of homework..
comparison among everyone,everywhere..
People said there is no comparison,
totally easier said than done..
Undeniable wherever we stand,
either in study or school leaver,
there was [unseen] stress..
Such an unseen stress that can make us could not take a deep breath in our life..
See a problem in every opportunities;see an opportunity in every problems.
Which type of people you are..
It make me confuse,
because I started defeated le..
What the purpose I live for?
Was so stupid struggle in these question again.
Maybe the medicine effect is started that make my brain could not analyse so much..

I live for there is a purpose or I live for others?
Who Am I so far?
Yet i do not know..

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