Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I was worry because of Im not worry????

Yes...one of my friends Josie was told me that she was worry because she was not worry anything..Flash back, I have the same kind feeling..Honestly said,by now Im felt quite lost..I did not know how to step out the next step..I knew that if I continued maintain the happy-go-lucky character..It all will GONE,including my STPM and about my future..Was wondering the road I taken was correct or not..Is it true that I wanted to be a doctor(my mom quite discourage ba,mayb she knew my charater well and knew that I won have the perserve ba,she gave me a laugh and walked away).Thought about it,it can be accepted when my mom gave me the kind of reaction..Asking myself?

Ability,strength,perserve...,have I???It was a BIG question mark appeared in my brain..Does it God's will..By now, I do not know..Because what I want was contrast to What I can...Everyone want to be a doctor,a lawyer but how many are they are really do..

Read a new was sent by a friend..Felt sad and down after reading the news..A NS friends was stabbed in a cafe.His initiative was so simple..That was helping friend when he saw his friend was stabbed by the gang..Helping friend end up compensate his own life..I could imagine how sadness,sorrow and painful was in his family now.Never knew the feeling if never experience this before..the kind of feeling when you losing your beloved...Yes..It was hurt..

Does it worth because a friend..Hard to answer..To him..I think when we come to the situation how many of us will do that..Step forward to help your friend regardless your own self safeness.I mean..true friend?

Here pray for his family is the only way I can do..May he can rest in peace..And commit his family to our Father in heaven..

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